5 July 2023 | Nanomed, News
We are pleased to announce that the 5th NANOMED Workshop will be organized by the University of Pavia! It will take place on 11, 12 and 13 July 2022. This edition of the workshop will focus on biotechnology and nanomedicine applied to drug delivery and is a wonderful...
5 July 2023 | Nanomed, News
We are pleased to announce that the 4th NANOMED Workshop will be organized by the Université d’Angers ! It will take place on 7, 8 and 9 July 2021. This edition of the workshop will focus on Translational Nanomedicines and is a wonderful opportunity for...
5 July 2023 | Nanomed, News
Congratulations to our Nanomed students for their recent publications ! This month we are extremely happy to announce that two of our students have seen their traineeship work with us accepted for publication. 1. Dermatillomania: Strategies for...
5 July 2023 | Nanomed, News
Great news! The NANOMED Consortium is proud to announce that we have been selected once again as EMJMD funding recipient! This means that we will grant scholarships to four additional intakes and keep on training new generations of scientists in Nanomedicine and Drug...
5 July 2023 | Nanomed, News
We are proud to announce that the second edition of the NANOMED workshop will be organised by the University of Patras in collaboration with the Institute of Chemical Engineering Sciences of the Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas (FORTH/IEC-HT) on July 8, 9...
5 July 2023 | Nanomed, News
The students from our second intake are currently taking their first traineeship! This first research experience in nanomedicine is held within the NANOMED Consortium so that the students can get familiar with techniques and good practices involved in lab work. On...