Associated partners
The NANOMED curriculum benefits from the participation of experts from other Universities and private companies. Their roles are to provide with some courses/conferences and traineeship opportunities. Below is enclosed a non-extensive list of these partners:
Academic institutions
- University of Bourgogne (France)
- University of Nantes (France)
- Interuniversity Consortium TEFARCO INNOVA (Italy)
- University of Roma Tor Vergata (Italy)
- University of Athens (Greece)
- University of Liège (Belgium)
- Department of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Technology, University of Navarra (Spain)
- University of Granada (Spain)
- University of Columbia (USA)
Research Institutes
- Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas, Institute of Chemical Engineering Sciences, (FORTH / ICE-HT) (Greece)
- Galien Institute, School of Pharmacy, University of Paris-Sud (France)
Private companies
- French companies: CARLINA technologies, Gattefossé, Guerbet, Sanofi
- Greek companies: Demo Pharmaceuticals S.A., Elpen, Verisfield
- Bulgarian Company: Proxagen
Professional Associations
- The European Technology Platform for Nanomedicine (ETPN): gathering of academic institutions and companies involved in the development of Nanomedicine in Europe at the research level but also at the educational level. The ETPN provided support and recommendations in the design of the NANOMED curriculum.
- The Society of Drug Delivery Sciences and Technology (APGI – Association de Pharmacie Galénique Industrielle): French association organizing European scientific meetings (academia members from different countries, private companies, regulatory bodies) every year, with sessions dedicated to Nanomedicine.
- The French Society of Nanomedicine (SF Nano) whose president, Dr. Nathalie Mignet, head of the research team in Paris Descartes University.
- The Greek Controlled Release Society (CRS) and the Panhellenic Pharmaceutical Union (PEF): organizes congresses in Pharmaceutical sciences.
- The Italian Controlled Release Society (CRS) and the Italian Association of Industrial Pharmacists (AFI): organizes international scientific conferences for academic and industrial professionals.
- The NanoPharmaNet: network connecting researchers having know-how and expertise on nanotechnologies for pharmaceutical and biomedical applications in Italy and promoting cooperation between research groups and members of Companies and the development of spin-offs.
- The international congress on “Translational Nanomedicine”: meeting gathering academia members, private companies and regulatory agencies from different continents (North and South America, Asia, Africa, Australia and Europe).
- The European programme NICHE is a collaborative research project within the Euronanomed II Programme. The NICHE project develops creative nanomedicines to propose a new treatment of pancreas cancer, based on the restoration and stimulation of immune competence in tumor-bearing hosts.
- The European programme TRANS-INT is a large-scale collaborative research project within the 7th European Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development. TRANS-INT combines expertise in pharmaceutical nanotechnology, biochemistry, immunology, toxicology, biology and physiology with the aim to develop a novel nanodrug candidate able to effectively fight diabetes. TRANS-INT researchers will make use of nanotechnology to find new oral ways for drug delivery that can become an alternative to insulin injection, thus improving the quality of life of patients with diabetes.
- The European programme FORMAMP is a collaborative research project within the 7th European Framework Program for Research and Technological Development. The aim of FORMAMP is to explore a number of innovative formulation and delivery strategies based on nanotechnology in order to improve the efficiency and stability of Antimicrobial peptides in clinical development.
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