Selection procedure for self-funded applications
In short
Self-funded application session: March 15th to April 15th
- 3rd week of April: review of your application to check compliance with requirements
- 4th week of April: first step of the selection (quality of the application file)
- 1st week of May: second step of the selection (skype interview)
- 2nd week of May: notification of the Executive committee’s final decision regarding your application
In details
Before the deadline is met you have to:
- fill all mandatory field
- attach each mandatory document
- press the button “Submit”
- you applciation is now labelled as “Submitted”.
The selection procedure starts only if you reached this step.
Selection – Step 1
The first phase of the selection is a compliance check related to the documents required to consider your application, the status of your application will change from “Submitted” to “Eligible – Step 1” or “Non eligible” depending on whether you handed all the relevant documents or not.
Selection – Step 2
The second phase of the selection is the evaluation of your application by the Consortium according to the criteria mentioned in the application procedure.
- if you pass, your application will be labelled as “Eligible – Step 2”;
- if you fail, your application will be labelled as “Non admitted”.
In both cases, you will also receive a notification by email with further information. If your application is regarded as “Non admitted”, it means that the Consortium will have examined your application as being either too far from the topic of the NANOMED EMJMD or your academic level as insufficient to join the curriculum. Please bear in mind that it is a highly competitive selection since there are very few scholarships and many applicants; if your application is rejected from the scholarship session, you can still apply as a self-funded student which is open later on.
Selection – Step 3
The third phase of the selection is a skype interview. The interview will start by a 5-minutes free speech (no more!) to present yourself followed by a 10-minutes discussion with the Executive committee of the Consortium which comprises at least one professor of each University. Once all the interviews are finished, the Executive committee will let you know where you stand in terms of ranking which leads you to three options:
- You are selected on the main list: you only have to confirm your interest and you are in! – “Admitted – Main list”
- You are selected on the waiting list: you also have to confirm your interest but you are not yet selected strictly speaking. Nevertheless, you are likely to be contacted if a withdrawal occurs on the main list (which happens frequently for various reasons) – “Waiting list”
- You are not selected on any list: you can always reapply to the self-funded application session. – “Non admitted”.
The third phase of the selection is a skype interview. The interview will start by a 5-minutes free speech (no more!) to present yourself followed by a 10-minutes discussion with the Executive committee of the Consortium which comprises at least one professor of each university. Once all the interviews are finished, the Executive committee will let you know if you are selected or not before the end of May.
If you do get a positive notification, you will have two weeks to let the Consortium know if you still want to join the NANOMED EMJMD or not; should you exceed the allowed delay of answer, your application will be regarded as null.
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